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Final Piece - Absence

Final Piece - Absence

Van Gogh

Van Gogh

I created this A5 pen drawing to portray Van Gogh's inner demons.



Potential corridor idea



Potential corridor idea



Potential corridor idea

Painting of the corridor.

Painting of the corridor.



Corridor photos

Corridor photos

This is the left side of my corridor - these pictures have not had anything removed from them.

Corridor photos

Corridor photos

These three pictures are of the right side of the corridor; I Photoshoped the images and removed certain people from them.

The Corridor

The Corridor

From blank canvas to black walls - I have created a corridor with sense of void and nihilism.

Throughout this project I looked into the exploration of communal and individual losses and traumas, and the study of how people deal with different types of absences. This includes research into suicides, death of a family member or friend and loss of sanity. I researched into nihilism and previously found myself explicitly concentrating on topics that are emotionally unique to me, however I have broadened this within this project by focusing on the effects that grief has had on others; not plainly directing my ideas on my own absences.

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